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Blackberry 10 Defects

BB10 seems to have employed the best of both reigning operating systems with a simple grid styled layout on multiple pages like iOS, a drop down menu system with access to settings and options like Android and swipe/gesture type control for access to everything. If you’ve ever used Android or iOS, it’ll not be too hard to figure out. It’s also possible that RIM might further tweak the OS before launch to make it even more gesture supportive than it already is.

RIM Blackberry 10
  • There are still Blackberry loyalists out there. Even though the United States has seen many former BB10 users switch to another platform, this isn’t the case in many other markets across the globe.
  • The Blackberry keyboard is an important feature for some.
  • Blackberry originally had a reputation for serious business and an elite vibe that it might be able to use as leverage for gaining new fans or winning back old ones.
  • Blackberry will bring its Blackberry Flow approach into the picture, which it touts as a way to improve productivity and brags is a more seemless smartphone experience.
  • Blackberry 10 will launch with 100,000 apps, many of which will be targeted towards regional, high quality apps.

  • Right now, there isn’t much on BB10′s bullet point. This isn’t necessarily because BB10 doesn’t have some killers features– we just don’t know enough yet. As it stands, RIM needs to give us proof that Blackberry 10 can do things BETTER than alternatives like Windows Phone 8, iOS and Android. Having 100,000 apps at launch is certainly a very positive sign though.

    As for Windows Phone? It already has a few advantages over iOS and Android that it can use to gain traction. This includes the perception that it is better for business (whether that’s true is probably debatable), and the integration with Office, Xbox and Windows 8.

    Due to the lack of a dedicated camera key, we often found ourself in some weird positions trying to keep hold of our belongings while attempting to tap on the handset's screen - which, while we're on the subject, presented no problems during the week. This often resulted in us missing the shot that we were after, although Blackberry's nifty Timeshift technology often came in to save the day.

    Another slight gripe is the lack of apps, in particular Instagram. Whereas on our iPhone we can quickly share photos on the social network, Instagram is not yet available for Blackberry 10, and there's no sign of it arriving any time soon.


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